Services > Diverse Communities Outreach
Diverse Communities
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Services en Français
Nous offrons des services de soutien gratuits et confidentiels aux personnes ayant subi des actes de violence à caractère sexuel dans les comtés de Frontenac, Lennox et Addington. Nous collaborons avec des partenaires communautaires pour favoriser le changement et prendre des mesures visant à faire cesser la violence sexuelle.
Indigenous Counselling Program
We are pleased to offer an Indigenous Counsellor who provides counselling within an indigenous framework and is open to all who self-identify as an indigenous survivor of sexualized violence, regardless of status.
Our Indigenous Counsellor also runs our Healing and Sharing Circle, other various groups and drop-in sessions throughout the year. The Indigenous Program can also provide specific training and workshops on various topics such as Abuse & The Impact of the Residential School System.
To set up an appointment with our Indigenous Counsellor please specify at any point prior to or during your initial intake.
Currently the Indigenous Counselling Program offers the following groups:
Balancing Our Elements
For? Self-identified Indigenous survivors of sexual violence. This group is open to both Skills and Support and Reflect and Connect clients.
Length of group? 6 weeks, 2 hours, once a week.
About the group: In this group participants will learn about Medicine Wheel Teachings and how to use the Four Directions in restoring balance to our lives. Topics include:
Gifts of the North, Connecting with Our Breath
Gifts of the East, Nurturing Our Inner Flame
Gifts of the South, Connecting with the Water
Gifts of the West, Grounding with the Earth
Seven Grandfather Storytelling
For? Self-identified Indigenous survivors of sexual violence. This group is aimed at Reflect and Connect clients at SACK.
Length of group? 8 weeks, 2 hours, once a week.
About the group: In this group participants will learn about the Seven Grandfather Teachings and explore ways to use those Teachings to shift their own narratives of trauma. Participants will have the opportunity to re-write their own stories using Teachings of Wisdom, Respect, Truth, Humility, Honesty, Courage, and Love. Topics covered will include fight/flight/freeze responses, challenging shame, trusting our memories, gratitude and healing, radical acceptance, acts of resistance, and self-compassion.
Youth Counselling Services
SAC Kingston offers specialised counselling services for high school youth aged 12-19 years. When youth clients access our services for the first time, they receive priority access to our Skills and Support counselling program. This program provides youth with up to ten counselling sessions which focus on understanding trauma responses and the impact of sexual violence, as well as learning skills that will increase their capacity to cope with distress. Youth are able to attend their sessions at our centre, or have their counsellor travel to students at rural high schools within KFL&A.
To set up an intake appointment, please contact:
Intake Counsellor
613-545-0762 ext. 106