Below are frequently asked questions about our services. For more information, please get in touch.
About > FAQs
Who is the Sexual Assault Centre Kingston?
We are a not-for-profit organization providing free, confidential, non-judgmental support for all survivors of recent and/or historic sexual violence in Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington (KFL&A) since 1978. We organize & participate in public education initiatives and community events that contribute to the prevention and awareness of sexual violence. We advocate for social change and the eradication of sexual violence.
Do I have to pay for services?
No. Thanks to generous donations and support from our funders all of our services are free of charge.
What regions do you serve?
Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox & Addington.
Where is your centre located?
400 Elliott Avenue, Unit 1 (Rockcliffe Plaza) Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7K 6M9.
What are the nearest bus stops to your centre?
Division Street (south side of Elliott), Derby Gate Crescent (north side of Elliott), Kirkpatrick Street (east side of Division), and Kirkpatrick Street (west side of Division).
What services does your centre provide?
Crisis support, counselling, information, referral and advocacy services for survivors of sexual violence.
I want to get counselling services, how do I get started?
In order to access counselling you will first need to have an intake appointment, where a counsellor will gather some information from you and go over our counselling program and with you decide on the best fit. Please contact our Intake Counsellor via email or phone at 613-545-0762 ext 106, to set this up.
What can I expect from my initial Intake?
Intakes will take place virtually over the phone, or if requested, in-person with one of our counsellors. To receive more information regarding intakes, please contact the Intake Coordinator at jenn@sackingston.com or 613-545-0762 ext 106
What groups do you offer?
To find out what groups we are currently running, please click here.
What counselling services do you offer?
We offer individual, distance and group counselling.
Do you serve male survivors?
Yes. At the Sexual Assault Centre Kingston we provide support for all survivors.
Do you offer counselling Services in French?
Yes. We do offer services in French, please let us know you need this service upon initial intake.
Do you have an Indigenous Counsellor?
Yes. SAC is pleased to offer an Indigenous Counsellor who provides counselling within an indigenous framework and is open to all who self-identify as an indigenous survivor of sexualized violence, regardless of status.
Do SAC Kingston take educational placement students?
Yes. For more information please refer to our Educational Placements page here.
Why should I volunteer at SAC Kingston?
Volunteering with the Sexual Assault Centre Kingston offers you a unique and rewarding opportunity to join other compassionate individuals committed to working towards the prevention of sexual violence.
What is the time commitment for volunteering?
It depends on the role, but generally around 12-15 hours/month.
How do I volunteer?
Please fill out an application form found here.
Will I be required to do an interview for the role?
Yes, after filling out an application form our Volunteer Coordinator will contact you during the next round of recruitment to set up an interview to learn more about your interests, skills, and goals.
Do you get trained for your volunteer role?
Yes, you will be required to complete a minimum 6 hour training session spread out over 2 days online with other new volunteers and the Volunteer Coordinator.
What are the different volunteering roles?
SAC Kingston has a wide range of volunteering positions that play to the strengths and skill sets of many different individuals; these roles fall under the categories of: crisis support, outreach or behind the scenes. More information on the roles within each category and what they involve can be found here.
I want direct experience helping those in crisis, what roles are there for me?
You can work with clients who are in crisis through the Crisis & Support Line and the Crisis & Support Text and Chat Line. For more information, please click here.
How do I apply to be on the Board of Directors?
The Board of Directors is a group of individuals who are passionate about creating a community free from sexual violence using a feminist framework. Click here for more information.
I want to make a complaint, how do I go about that?
To make a complaint please refer to our Complaint Procedure for Crisis Services policy page found here.
What services do you offer for youth?
SAC Kingston can travel to and provide individual and group counselling to students at rural high schools within KFL&A. Please contact us to set up an intake appointment and specify this is something you are interested in.
What community Education services do you offer?
We have many community engagement services including resources, talks and workshops. For more information please click here.
How do I request community education services?
To request a community education service please contact the Community Education Coordinator at education@sackingston.com or at 613-545-0762 ext 109.
Will you report my case?
Sexual Assault Centre Kingston does not trace calls or live chat conversations. We cannot get anyone else involved if you choose to stay anonymous. If you give us information that can identify you and the situation is considered dangerous to you or others, we have a legal obligation to involve an external agency. This is called Duty to Report.
On the crisis and support lines (phone and chat and text), our support facilitators have a duty to report in the following cases:
If you are under the age of 18 and tell us that someone is hurting you, has hurt you, or is likely to hurt you in the future, and you have provided us with identifying information.
If you tell us you are planning to hurt yourself or someone else and you have provided us with identifying information.
Please read more about our reporting obligations here.